Package-level declarations


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class AkaikeInfoCriterionScoringModel(val domain: Interval = DEFAULT_BIG_RANGE) : PDFScoringModel

Computes the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) based on the data as the score. This assumes that the parameters of the supplied distribution have been estimated from the data and evaluates the likelihood associated with the current parameters of the distribution. The parameters of the distribution are not assumed to have been estimated from a maximum likelihood approach.

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class BayesianInfoCriterionScoringModel(val domain: Interval = DEFAULT_BIG_RANGE) : PDFScoringModel

Computes the Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC) based on the data as the score. This assumes that the parameters of the supplied distribution have been estimated from the data and evaluates the likelihood associated with the current parameters of the distribution. The parameters of the distribution are not assumed to have been estimated from a maximum likelihood approach.

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This scoring model represents the Mallows L2 distance between the theoretical probabilities and the observed probabilities based on a histogram of the data. The break points for the histogram are specified by PDFModeler.equalizedCDFBreakPoints()

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abstract class PDFScoringModel(val name: String, val domain: Interval = Interval(0.0, Double.MAX_VALUE), val allowLowerLimitAdjustment: Boolean = true, val allowUpperLimitAdjustment: Boolean = true) : Metric

Computes a score to indicate the quality of fit for the proposed continuous distribution for the supplied data

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class PPCorrelationScoringModel(var empDistType: EmpDistType = EmpDistType.Continuity1, val domain: Interval = Interval(-1.0, 1.0)) : PDFScoringModel

This scoring model represents the linear correlation of a P-P plot for a fitted distribution. The correlation between the empirical probabilities and the theoretical probabilities for the data set is computed and returned as the score.

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class PPSSEScoringModel(var empDistType: EmpDistType = EmpDistType.Continuity1) : PDFScoringModel

This scoring model represents the sum of squared errors of a P-P plot for a fitted distribution. The sum of squared errors between the empirical probabilities and the theoretical probabilities for the data set is computed and returned as the score.

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class QQCorrelationScoringModel(var empDistType: EmpDistType = EmpDistType.Continuity1, val domain: Interval = Interval(-1.0, 1.0)) : PDFScoringModel

This scoring model represents the linear correlation of a Q-Q plot for a fitted distribution. The correlation between the empirical quantiles and the order statistics for the data set is computed and returned as the score.

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class QQSSEScoringModel(var empDistType: EmpDistType = EmpDistType.Continuity1) : PDFScoringModel

This scoring model represents the sum of squared errors of a Q-Q plot for a fitted distribution. The sum of squared difference between the empirical quantiles and the order statistics for the data set is computed and returned as the score.

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This scoring model represents the sum of squared error between the predicted probabilities (based on the assumed distribution) and the observed probabilities. The break points for the histogram are specified by PDFModeler.equalizedCDFBreakPoints()