Truncated Distribution
constructor(theDistribution: DistributionIfc, distDomain: Interval, truncInterval: Interval, name: String? = null)
constructor(theDistribution: DistributionIfc, theCDFLowerLimit: Double, theCDFUpperLimit: Double, theLowerLimit: Double, theUpperLimit: Double, name: String? = null)
the Distribution
the distribution to truncate, must not be null
the CDFLower Limit
The lower limit of the range of support of the distribution
the CDFUpper Limit
The upper limit of the range of support of the distribution
the Lower Limit
The truncated lower limit (if moved in from cdfLL), must be >= cdfLL
the Upper Limit
The truncated upper limit (if moved in from cdfUL), must be <= cdfUL
an optional name/label