fun simulate(iterator: Iterator<DesignPoint>, numRepsPerDesignPoint: Int? = null, clearRuns: Boolean = true, addRuns: Boolean = true)
Causes all design points to be simulated as presented by the iterator using the number of replications specified by the design points.
an iterator that presents the design points to simulate. If the iterator is empty then a warning is printed.
num Reps Per Design Point
the number of replications per design point. If null (the default) then the specification of replications is obtained from the design point. If a value greater than or equal to 1 is supplied, the value is used for every executed design point.
clear Runs
indicates that any previous simulation runs for the design points will be cleared prior to executing these design points. The default is true.
add Runs
If true the executed simulations will be added to the executed simulation runs. The default is true.