Control Ifc
A control represents an element within a model that can be changed by the user. Every control has a type (DOUBLE, INTEGER, LONG, FLOAT, SHORT, BYTE, BOOLEAN). The value of the control can be set by the user. If the supplied value is not within the allowed range of the control, the value will be limited to within the range. If the user assigns the value of the control to less than the lower bound, then the value is set to the lower bound. If the user assigns the value greater than the upper bound, then the value is set at the upper bound. For example, suppose the lower bound of the control is 1.0 and the upper bound is 10.0. Setting the control value to 0.0, will set the control to 1.0. Setting the control value to 12.0, will set the control to 10.0. Thus, out of range values are not permitted and corrected (silently). The limitToRange() function can be used to inspect the value that will result if the control is set to the supplied value.
Ensures that the supplied double is within the bounds associated with the control. This function does not change the state of the control.
Returns an array that has been mapped to legal values for the control
Checks if the supplied value is within lowerBound, upperBound