
annotation class KSLControl(val controlType: ControlType, val name: String = "", val lowerBound: Double = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, val upperBound: Double = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, val comment: String = "", val include: Boolean = true)

A KSLControl annotation is used on the setter method of properties within model elements to indicate that those properties should be used to control the execution of the simulation model. The annotation field type must be supplied and must be one of the valid control types as specified by the enum ControlType. The user is responsible for making sure that the type field matches (or is consistent with) the type of the property. Even though the optional annotation fields (lowerBound and upperBound) are specified as double values, they will be converted to an appropriate value for the specified type. Boolean properties are represented as a 1.0 (true) and 0.0 (false) within the numerical conversion for the controls. If a control is BOOLEAN, then the user can supply a 1.0 to represent true and a 0.0 to represent false when setting the control, which will then be set to true or false, appropriately.

Current control types (Double, Int, Long, Short, Byte, Float) and Boolean. Future types may be more general class types, in which case, the bounds will be ignored.


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comment associated with the annotation

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the type of the control

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val include: Boolean = true

Indicates whether to include in the controls for the model or not. Provides a simple mechanism for turning off or not including specific controls. The default is to include the control in the extraction process.

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If this field is not specified, it will be translated to the smallest negative value associated with the type specified by the field type. For example, if the type is INTEGER then the default lower bound will be Integer.MIN_VALUE. The user can supply more constraining values for the bounds that are within the range of the associated type.

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the name of the control

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If this field is not specified, it will be translated to the largest positive value associated with the type specified by the field type. For example, if the type is INTEGER then the default lower bound will be Integer.MAX_VALUE. The user can supply more constraining values for the bounds that are within the range of the associated type.