Package-level declarations
This class allows for the periodic generation of events similar to that achieved by "Create" modules in simulation languages. This class works in conjunction with the EventGeneratorActionIfc which is used to listen and react to the events that are generated by this class.
An interface to define how event generators operate. The primary subclass is EventGenerator. Of particular note is the use of initial parameters:
This interface defines the action to occur for an EventGenerator. Implementors place code in the method generate() in order to provide actions that can occur when the event that was generated is executed.
A tagging interface that is used to facilitate stream control for model elements that require randomness
Allows random selection of elements from the map. The supplied map must have at least one element. The supplied array must represent a valid cumulative distribution function over the same number of elements as in the map.
Allows random selection of elements from the map. The supplied map must have at least one element
A Schedule represents a known set of events that can occur according to a pattern. A schedule contains one or more instances of ScheduleItem. A ScheduleItem represents an item on a Schedule. It has a start time, relative to the start of the Schedule and a duration. If more than one schedule item needs to start at the same time, then a priority can be provided to determine the ordering (i.e. the smallest priority goes first). ScheduleItems are not scheduled to occur until the Schedule actually starts.