Requests a number of units of the indicated resource.
the Allocation representing the request for the Resource. After returning, the allocation indicates that the units of the resource have been allocated to the entity making the request. An allocation should not be returned until all requested units of the resource have been allocated.
the number of units of the resource needed for the request. The default is 1 unit.
the resource from which the units are being requested.
the priority of the request. This is meant to inform any allocation mechanism for requests that may be competing for the resource.
the queue that will hold the entity if the amount needed cannot immediately be supplied by the resource. If the queue is priority based (i.e. uses a ranked queue discipline) the user should set the entity's priority attribute for use in ranking the queue prior to the calling seize.
the name of the suspension point. can be used to identify which seize the entity is experiencing if there are more than one seize suspension points within the process. The user is responsible for uniqueness.
Requests a number of units of the indicated resource. The queue that will hold the entity is internal to the resource. If the queue is priority based (i.e. uses a ranked queue discipline) the user should set the entity's priority attribute for use in ranking the queue prior to the calling seize.
the Allocation representing the request for the Resource. After returning, the allocation indicates that the units of the resource have been allocated to the entity making the request. An allocation should not be returned until all requested units of the resource have been allocated.
the number of units of the resource needed for the request. The default is 1 unit.
the resource from which the units are being requested.
the priority of the request. This is meant to inform any allocation mechanism for requests that may be competing for the resource.
the name of the suspension point. can be used to identify which seize the entity is experiencing if there are more than one seize suspension points within the process. The user is responsible for uniqueness.
Requests a number of units of the indicated movable resource.
the Allocation representing the request for the Resource. After returning, the allocation indicates that the units of the resource have been allocated to the entity making the request. An allocation should not be returned until all requested units of the resource have been allocated.
the resource from which the units are being requested.
the priority of the request. This is meant to inform any allocation mechanism for requests that may be competing for the resource.
the queue that will hold the entity if the amount needed cannot immediately be supplied by the resource. If the queue is priority based (i.e. uses a ranked queue discipline) the user should set the entity's priority attribute for use in ranking the queue prior to the calling seize.
the name of the suspension point. can be used to identify which seize the entity is experiencing if there are more than one seize suspension points within the process. The user is responsible for uniqueness.
Requests a number of units from the indicated pool of resources
the Allocation representing the request for the Resource. After returning, the allocation indicates that the units of the resource have been allocated to the entity making the request. An allocation should not be returned until all requested units of the resource have been allocated.
the number of units of the resource needed for the request. The default is 1 unit.
the resource pool from which the units are being requested.
the priority of the request. This is meant to inform any allocation mechanism for requests that may be competing for the resource.
the queue that will hold the entity if the amount needed cannot immediately be supplied by the resource. If the queue is priority based (i.e. uses a ranked queue discipline) the user should set the entity's priority attribute for use in ranking the queue prior to the calling seize.
the name of the suspension point. can be used to identify which seize the entity is experiencing if there are more than one seize suspension points within the process. The user is responsible for uniqueness.
Requests a number of units from the indicated pool of resources The queue that will hold the entity is internal to the resource pool. If the queue is priority based (i.e. uses a ranked queue discipline) the user should set the entity's priority attribute for use in ranking the queue prior to the calling seize.
the Allocation representing the request for the Resource. After returning, the allocation indicates that the units of the resource have been allocated to the entity making the request. An allocation should not be returned until all requested units of the resource have been allocated.
the number of units of the resource needed for the request. The default is 1 unit.
the resource pool from which the units are being requested.
the priority of the request. This is meant to inform any allocation mechanism for requests that may be competing for the resource.
the name of the suspension point. can be used to identify which seize the entity is experiencing if there are more than one seize suspension points within the process. The user is responsible for uniqueness.