Package-level declarations
Processes the ConditionalActions to check if their testCondition() is true, if so the action is executed. All actions are checked until no action's testCondition() is true To prevent conditional cycling the number of rescans is limited to DEFAULT_MAX_SCANS, which can be changed by the user or turned off via setMaxScanFlag()
This class provides the information for running a simulation experiment. An experiment is a specification for the number of replications, the warm-up length, replication length, etc. for controlling the running of a simulation.
This class represents a simulated event. It allows for the simulation of durations of simulated time. These events are placed on the Executive and ordered by time, priority, and order of creation.
This class facilitates simulation output reporting. There are two main reporting functions: within replication statistics and across replication statistics. The class automatically reports within replication and across replication statistics to comma separated value files by attaching observers to the model. If you do not want this automated output, then you should use the appropriate turnOffXXX methods.
When added to a Model, this class will cause batch statistics to be collected for Response and TWResponse variables. It uses the TWBatchingElement and the ResponseBatchingElement to perform this functionality.