This class represents a simulated event. It allows for the simulation of durations of simulated time. These events are placed on the Executive and ordered by time, priority, and order of creation.
The constructor has package scope because only the Executive class can make events.
the action for the event
the time that the event will be scheduled to occur
the priority associated with the event, smaller is more important
an object of type T attached to the event
the name of the event
the model element that scheduled the event
Gets a flag indicating whether the event is to be canceled or not. True implies that the event is to be canceled. It is up to the executive to handle the cancellation. If the event is canceled, it's execute method will not be called when it becomes the current event. Thus, an event can be canceled or uncanceled at any simulated time prior to when the event is scheduled to occur. It is an error to attempt to cancel an event that is not scheduled.
Allows the association of an Entity with the event
The difference between when the event will occur and the time that it was created (placed on the calendar)
Whether the event is scheduled. The executive should indicate if the event is scheduled
The time that the event was created and placed on the calendar
The time from the current time until time that the event will occur