This method inserts the data into the prepared statement as a batch insert. The statement is not executed.
The result set must be open and remains open after this call.
The result set must be open and remains open after this call.
The name of the schema is first checked for an exact lexicographical match. If a match occurs, the schema is returned. If a lexicographical match fails, then a check for a match ignoring the case of the string is performed. This is done because SQL identifier names should be case-insensitive. If neither matches then false is returned.
Checks if the named table is within the schema based on the connection.
Checks if the named view is within the schema based on the connection.
Populates a CachedRowSet based on the supplied ResultSet
Returns the user-defined schema names and the table names within each schema, The key can be null because the database might not support the schema concept. There can be table names associated with the key "null".
The connection should be open and is not closed during this function. It is the caller's responsibility to close the connection when appropriate. Retrieves the table and schema information from the database meta-data.
Returns the user-defined schema names and the view names within each schema, The key can be null because the database might not support the schema concept. There can be view names associated with the key "null".
The connection should be open and is not closed during this function. It is the caller's responsibility to close the connection when appropriate. Retrieves the view information from the database meta-data.
Returns a string SQL to be used to delete all records from a table
Returns a string to be used in a prepared statement delete from schemaName.tableName where fieldName = ?
Executes the SQL provided in the string. Squelches exceptions The string must not have ";" semicolon at the end. The caller is responsible for closing the connection
Consecutively executes the list of SQL queries supplied as a list of strings The strings must not have ";" semicolon at the end. The caller is responsible for closing the connection
Exports the data in the ResultSet to an Excel worksheet. The ResultSet is assumed to be forward only and each row is processed until all rows are exported. The ResultSet is closed after the processing.
A simple wrapper to ease the use of JDBC for novices. Returns the results of a query in the form of a JDBC CachedRowSet. Errors in the SQL are the user's responsibility. Any exceptions are logged and squashed. The underlying query is closed.
A simple wrapper to ease the use of JDBC for novices. Returns the results of a query in the form of a JDBC ResultSet that is TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY and CONCUR_READ_ONLY . Errors in the SQL are the user's responsibility. Any exceptions are logged and squashed. It is the user's responsibility to close the ResultSet. That is, the statement used to create the ResultSet is not automatically closed.
Fills a list with the indicated column of the CachedRowSet
Writes SQLWarnings to log file
Uses the longLastingConnection property for the connection for metadata checking.
Takes the input string and builds a string to represent the command from the string.
Takes the input string and builds a string to represent the SQL command from the string. Uses EmbeddedDerbyDatabase.DEFAULT_DELIMITER as the delimiter, i.e. ";" Checks for "--", "//" and "#" as start of line comments
Takes the input string and builds a string to represent the SQL command from the string. Checks for "--", "//" and "#" as start of line comments
Method to parse a SQL script for the database. The script honors SQL comments and separates each SQL command into a list of strings, 1 string for each command. The list of queries is returned.
Parses the supplied string and breaks it up into a list of strings The string needs to honor SQL comments and separates each SQL command into a list of strings, 1 string for each command. The list of queries is returned.
Retrieves the names of the schemas from the database meta-data. The connection should be open and is not closed during this function.
Returns a list of table names associated with the schema based on the supplied connection.
The ResultSet is processed through all rows.