create Table SQLStatement
Creates a string representation of a CREATE TABLE SQL statement that could create a table that would hold the data associated with the DbTableData. The resulting string maps the property KTypes to suitable SQL types via DbTableData.toSQLTypeString. If there is a primary key specification, it is captured in the CREATE TABLE statement. Any NOT NULL specifications are also captured. There will not be any foreign key specifications because DbTableData does not specify them. Also, since there is no SQL standard for an auto-increment primary key, the autoIncField specification is ignored. The purpose here is to get a quick and dirty table representation. If additional specifications are required the user could formulate ALTER TABLE statements or better yet use one of the many libraries available for more advanced SQL work. If schemaName is supplied, then the CREATE TABLE statement begins with "CREATE TABLE schemaName.tableName ". If the schema name is not specified, the statement begins with "CREATE TABLE tableName "