
data class WithinRepViewData(var exp_name: String = "", var run_name: String = "", var num_reps: Int = -1, var start_rep_id: Int = -1, var last_rep_id: Int = -1, var stat_name: String = "", var rep_id: Int = -1, var rep_value: Double? = null) : TabularData


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constructor(exp_name: String = "", run_name: String = "", num_reps: Int = -1, start_rep_id: Int = -1, last_rep_id: Int = -1, stat_name: String = "", rep_id: Int = -1, rep_value: Double? = null)


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The number of columns of data. The number of public mutable properties including any auto-increment field

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var rep_id: Int
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The optional name of the schema holding the table for the related data. If supplied it cannot be empty/blank and any white space will be replaced with underscore characters.

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White space in the string is replaced by an underscore


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Extracts the value of the public mutable properties of a data class If the object is not an instance of a data class, then the returned map will be empty. The map contains the pairs of (name, value) where name is the name of the public, mutable property and value is the current value of the property

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Extracts the property of the public mutable properties of a data class Classifies each property whether it can be converted to a numeric value via isNumericConvertable(). All non-numeric mutable properties are considered TEXT; otherwise, they are considered NUMERIC.

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Extracts the property of the public mutable properties of a data class If the object is not an instance of a data class, then the returned map will be empty. The map contains the pairs of (name, property) where name is the name of the public property and property is the reflection property

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Extracts the names of the public, mutable properties of a data class in the order in which they are declared in the primary constructor.

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Extracts the values of the public, mutable properties of a data class in the order in which they are declared in the primary constructor.

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fun setPropertyValues(values: List<Any?>)

Sets the values of the public mutable properties of a data class to the values supplied. If the object is not an instance of a data class then nothing happens. The size of the supplied list must be the same as the number of the mutable properties and the type of each element in the supplied list must match the type of the mutable property

Sets the values of the public mutable properties of a data class to the values supplied. If the object is not an instance of a data class then nothing happens. The row from a TabularFile must map to the property values