object Companion
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Creates a column with the given data type
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Makes a list of strings containing, prefix1, prefix2,..., prefixN, where N = number
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Creates n = numColumns of columns all with the same data type, with names C1, C2, ..., Cn
Creates names.size() columns with the provided names and data type
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fun createFromCSVFile(pathToCSVFile: Path, columnTypes: Map<String, DataType>, pathToOutputFile: Path = pathToCSVFile.parent.resolve(
), hasHeader: Boolean = true): TabularOutputFile
fun createFromCSVFile(pathToCSVFile: Path, columnTypes: Map<String, DataType>, outFileName: String, hasHeader: Boolean = true): TabularOutputFile
Reads in a CSV file and converts it to a tabular output file. The separator must be a comma.
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Creates a double column
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Creates a text column
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If the kType is {Double, Long, Integer, Boolean, Float, Short, Byte} then it is NUMERIC otherwise it is considered TEXT.
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Converts the list of KType instances to a list of DataType instances. If the type is {Double, Long, Integer, Boolean, Float, Short, Byte} then it is NUMERIC otherwise it is considered TEXT.