Package-level declarations
Returns an iterator to the rows of a csv file that may have the first row as a header of column labels and each subsequent row as the data for each column, e.g. "x", "y" 1.1, 2.0 4.3, 6.4 etc.
Provides some basic file utilities. Additional utilities can be found in Google Guava and Apache Commons IO. However, this basic IO provides basic needs without external libraries and is integrated withe KSL functionality.
A wrapper for a PrintWriter. This class has all the functionality of PrintWriter but has a public property OUTPUT_ON that can be set to false to turn off any printing or set to true to turn printing on.
This class provides basic context for creating and writing output files. Files and directories created by instances of this class will be relative to the Path supplied at creation.
A class to help with making useful statistical reports. Creates summary reports as StringBuilders based on the supplied list of statistics
Causes the columns associated with the linear model to be added to the dataframe.
Creates a dataframe that holds the box plot summary data for any column that holds Double type within the original dataframe.
True if the dataframe contains all the columns in the list. False if at least one column is not in the dataframe.
True if the dataframe contains all the named columns in the list. False if at least one column is not in the dataframe.
Causes a new column to be added to the dataframe that represents the element-wise multiplication of the columns in the list. The columns must be in the dataframe.
Causes a new column to be added to the dataframe that represents the element-wise multiplication of column A and B. The columns must be in the data frame and be of type DataColumn
Causes a new column to be added to the dataframe that represents the element-wise multiplication of column A and B. The columns must be in the dataframe.
Causes a new column to be added to the dataframe that represents the element-wise multiplication of the columns in the list. The columns must be in the dataframe and the columns must hold Double values.
The data frame, is not changed. The returned data frame holds a sample of the rows.
Creates a dataframe that holds the statistical data for any column that holds Double type within the original dataframe. The confidence interval level is by default 0.95.
Creates a dataframe that holds the summary statistical data for any column that holds Double type within the original dataframe.
Converts the DataRow to a string separated by the provided separator. The default is common separated. Elements in the row that are strings are enclosed in double quotes to permit the separator to appear in the string.
Converts the data frame to rows of comma separated file output with specified separator. The default separator is a comma. Elements that are strings are enclosed in double quotes to permit the separator to appear in the element. If the header is true, then the column names of the dataframe are included as the first row before any data rows are appended.
Converts the 2-D array of doubles to a data frame. The column names are col1, col2, col3, etc. The 2D array must be rectangular
Converts the data stored in each array to columns within a DataFrame, with the column names as the key from the map and the columns holding the data. Each array must have the same size.
Converts the box plot summary data to a data frame with two columns. The first column holds the name of the statstics and the second column holds the values.
Converts the histogram bin data into a dataframe representation
Converts the integer frequency data into a dataframe representation
Converts a statistic to a data frame with two columns. The first column holds the names of the statistics and the second column holds the values. The valueLabel can be used to provide a column name for the value columns. By default, it is "Value".
Convert the dataframe to a TabularOutputFile at the supplied path
Convert the dataframe to a TabularOutputFile with the supplied file name within KSL.outDir