Box Plot Summary
Prepares the statistical quantities typically found on a box plot. This implementation uses a full sort of the data. The original data is not changed. Users may want to look for more efficient methods for use with very large data sets.
Lower inner fence: Q1 – (1.5 * IQR)
Upper inner fence: Q3 + (1.5 * IQR)
Lower outer fence: Q1 – (3 * IQR)
upper outer fence: Q3 + (3 * IQR)
the data to be summarized, must not be null and must not contain any Double.NaN values
The smallest data point that is greater than or equal to the lowerInnerFence
The largest data point that is less than or equal to the upperInnerFence
A confidence interval for the mean based on the confidence level
The order statistics
As per Apache Math commons
The statistical summary of the data
Converts the box plot summary data to a data frame with two columns. The first column holds the name of the statstics and the second column holds the values.