bootstrap Sample Data
Gets a map with key = name, where name is the associated bootstrap name and the value is List holding the sample data for each bootstrap generate within the bootstrap. The size of the list is the number of bootstrap samples generated. Each element of the list is the data associated with each generate.
a map of the list of bootstrap data
the generated sample for the bth bootstrap, if no samples are saved then the array returned is of zero length
the name of the bootstrap
the bootstrap generate number, b = 1, 2, ... to getNumBootstrapSamples()
Gets a map with key = name, where name is the associated bootstrap name and the value is the sample data for the bth bootstrap generate. The size of the array is the size of the generated bootstrap generate, the array may be of zero length if the samples were not saved
a map holding the bth bootstrap data for each bootstrap
the bootstrap sample number, b = 1, 2, ... to getNumBootstrapSamples()