Use for large degrees of freedom
Computes the chi-squared test statistic
Computes the 2-D chi-squared serial test. Assumes that the pairs are (u(1), u(2)), (u(3), u(4)) ..., (u(n/2 - 1), u(n/2))
Performs the 2-D chi-squared serial test
Computes the 3-D chi-squared serial test Tests triplets (u(i-1), u(i), u(i+1))
Performs the 3-D chi-squared serial test
Computes the chi-squared test statistic
Performs the correlation test
Computes the chi-squared test statistic with recommended intervals and array size
Recommends break points over the range (0,1) based on the recommended number of intervals for a chi-squared goodness of fit test.
Recommends the number of intervals for a chi-squared goodness of fit test based on the supplied sample size. This does not assume anything about the distribution. An adjustment ensures that there are at least 3 intervals based on other theory.
Recommends the number of intervals for a chi-squared goodness of fit test of possible U(0,1) data based on the supplied sample size. Adjusts the result of Williams approximation to ensure at least 5 or more expected within the intervals and a minimum of at least 3 intervals.
Computes the runs up test statistic for the array of supposedly U(0,1) values.
Performs the runs up test