Experiment Data Collector
The purpose of this class is to store replication data across a set of experiments
This class should be attached to the simulation Model prior to running the simulation in order to observe the data. For each replication, for each response variable the replication data is collected using a ReplicationDataCollector
If a simulation with an experiment name is run that has not been previously observed, then the data from that experiment is stored. If an experiment with a name that has already been executed is run, then any previous data is replaced with the newly observed results.
the model to observe
true indicates that the collector will automatically be attached as an observer on the model when created. If the collector is not automatically attached then the startObserving() function needs to be called before running the model.
Clears all saved data
Creates a multiple comparison analyzer for the response for each of the named experiments. If the experiment name does not exist or the response name does not exist, then no data is extracted.
Returns a map of maps. The outer map has the experiment name as its key. The inner map has the response names as the key and the replication results as a double array. The array contains the observed replication statistic for the response variable or the final count for a counter for each replication.
Start observing the model
Stop observing the model
Provides a within replication view data representation of the collected data.