2.2 Random Package

The concepts within L’Ecuyer et al. (2002) have been implemented within the jsl.utilities.random.rng package in the JSL. A key organizing principle for the random package is the use of Java interfaces. A Java interface allows classes to act like other classes. It is a mechanism by which a class can promise to have certain behaviors (i.e. methods). The JSL utilizes interfaces to separate random number generation concepts from stream control concepts.

Random Number Stream Interfaces

Figure 2.1: Random Number Stream Interfaces

Figure 2.1 shows the important interfaces within the jsl.utilities.random.rng package. The RandU01Ifc defines the methods for getting the next pseudo-random number and the previous pseudo-random number via randU01() and getPrevU01(). The randInt(int i, int j) method can be used to generate a random integer uniformly over the range from \(i\) to \(j\). The methods getAsDouble() and asDoubleStream() permit the random number stream to act as a Java stream as defined within the Java Stream API. The GetAntitheticStreamIfc and RNStreamNewInstanceIfc interfaces allow a new object instance to be created from the stream. In the case of the GetAntitheticStreamIfc interface the created stream will produce antithetic variates from the stream. If \(U\) is a pseudo-random number, then \(1-U\) is the antithetic variate of \(U\).

The RNStreamControlIfc defines methods for controlling the underlying stream of pseudo-random numbers.

  • resetStartStream() - positions the random number generator at the beginning of its stream. This is the same location in the stream as assigned when the random number generator was created and initialized.
  • resetStartSubstream() - resets the position of the random number generator to the start of the current substream. If the random number generator has advanced into the substream, then this method resets to the beginning of the substream.
  • advanceToNextSubStream() - positions the random number generator at the beginning of its next substream. This method move through the current substream and positions the generator at the beginning of the next substream.
  • setAntitheticOption(boolean flag) - if the flag is true, the generator should start producing antithetic variates with the next call to randU01(). If the flag is false, the generator should stop producing antithetic variates.
  • getAntitheticOption() - returns whether the antithetic option has been set.

The RNStreamIfc interface assumes that the underlying pseudo-random number generator can produce multiple streams that can be further divided into substreams. The reset methods allow the user to move within the streams. Classes that implement the RNStreamControlIfc can manipulate the streams in a well-defined manner.

RNStreamProviderIfc Interface

Figure 2.2: RNStreamProviderIfc Interface

To create an concrete instance of a stream, we must have a random number stream provider. This functionality is defined by the RNStreamProviderIfc interface and its concrete implementation, RNStreamProvider. Figure 2.2 illustrates the functionality available for creating random number streams. This interface conceptualizes the creation of random number streams as a process of making a sequence of streams numbered 1, 2, 3, …

A random number stream provider must define a default stream, which can be retrieved via the defaultRNStream() method. For the JSL, the default stream is the first stream created and is label with the sequence number 1. The sequence number of a stream can be used to retrieve a particular stream from the provider. The following methods allow for creation and access to streams.

  • nextRNStream() - returns the next random number stream associated with the provider. Each call to nextRNStream() makes a new stream in the sequence of streams.
  • lastRNStreamNumber() - returns the number of the stream that was last made. This indicates how many streams have been made. If \(0\) is returned, then no streams have been made by the provider.
  • rnStream(int k) - returns the \(k^{th}\) stream. If \(k\) is greater than lastRNStreamNumber() then lastRNStreamNumber() is advanced according to the additional number of streams by creating any intermediate streams. For example, if lastRNStreamNumber() = 10 and k = 15, then streams 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 are assumed provided and stream 15 is returned and lastRNStreamNumber() now equals 15. If \(k\) is less than or equal to lastRNStreamNumber(), then no new streams are created and lastRNStreamNumber()stays at its current value and the \(k^{th}\) stream is returned.
  • getStreamNumber(RNStreamIfc stream) - returns the stream number of the instance of a stream.
  • advanceStreamMechanism(int n) - advances the underlying stream mechanism by the specified number of streams, without actually creating the streams. The value of lastRNStreamNumber() remains the same after advancing through the streams. In other words, this method should act as if nextRNStream() was not called but advance the underlying stream mechanism as if \(n\) streams had been provided.
  • resetRNStreamSequence() - Causes the random number stream provider to act as if has never created any streams. Thus, the next call to nextRNStream() will return the \(1^{st}\) stream.

The random number stream provider also facilitates the control of all streams that have been created. This functionality is similar to how the position within an individual stream can be manipulated, except the provider performs the functionality on all streams that it has created. The following methods perform this function.

  • resetAllStreamsToStart() - resets all created streams to the start of their stream.
  • resetAllStreamsToStartOfCurrentSubStream() - resets all created streams to the start of their current sub-stream.
  • advanceAllStreamsToNextSubstream() - advances all created streams to the start of their next sub-stream.
  • setAllStreamsAntitheticOption(boolean option) - changes all created streams to have their antithetic option either off = false or on = true.

Many random number generators require the specification of a seed to start the generated sequence. Even though the generator within the JSL use seeds, there really is not any need to utilize the seeds because of the well defined methods for moving within the streams. Now, let’s illustrate how to create and manipulate streams.

2.2.1 Creating and Using Streams

To create a random number stream, the user must utilize an instance of RNStreamProvider. This process is illustrated in in the following code. This code creates two instances of RNStreamProvider and gets the first stream from each instance. The instances of RNStreamProvider use the exact same underlying default seeds. Thus, they produce exactly the same sequence of streams.

// make a provider for creating streams
RNStreamProvider p1 = new RNStreamProvider();
// get the first stream from the provider
RNStreamIfc p1s1 = p1.nextRNStream();
// make another provider, the providers are identical
RNStreamProvider p2 = new RNStreamProvider();
// thus the first streams returned are identical
RNStreamIfc p2s1 = p2.nextRNStream();
System.out.printf("%3s %15s %15s %n", "n", "f1s1", "f2s2");
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
    System.out.printf("%3d %15f %15f %n", i, p1s1.randU01(), p2s1.randU01());

Thus, in the following code output, the randomly generated values are exactly the same for the two streams.

  n            p1s1            p2s2 
  1        0.728510        0.728510 
  2        0.965587        0.965587 
  3        0.996184        0.996184 
  4        0.114988        0.114988 
  5        0.973145        0.973145 

There is is really very little need for the general programmer to create a RNStreamProvider because the JSL supplies default provider that can be used to provide a virtually infinite number of streams. The need for directly accessing the functionality of RNStreamProvider is for very fine control of stream creation in such situations like running code on different computers in parallel. While the providers produce the same streams, you can force one provider to be different from another provider by manipulating the seeds. In addition, the provider can control all streams that it produces. So, unless you are trying to do some advanced work that involves coordinating multiple streams, you should not need to create multiple instances of RNStreamProvider.

Because the most common use case is to just have a single provider of streams, the JSL facilitates this through the JSLRandom class. The JSLRandom class has a wide range of static methods to facilitate random variate generation. The most important methods include:

  • nextRNStream() - calls the underlying default RNStreamProvider to create a new random number stream
  • rnStream(int k) - returns the \(k^{th}\) stream from the default RNStreamProvider
  • getDefaultRNStream() - calls the underlying default RNStreamProvider for its default stream

In the following code example, these methods are used to create streams that are used to generate random numbers. The first line of the code uses the static method getDefaultRNStream() of JSLRandom to get the default stream and then generates three random numbers. The stream is then advanced and three new random numbers are generated. Then, the stream is reset to its starting (initial seed) and it then repeats the original values. Finally, the a new stream is created via JSLRandom.nextRNStream() and then used to generate new random numbers. From a conceptual standpoint, each stream contains an independent sequence of random numbers from any other stream (unless of course they are made from different providers). They are conceptually infinite and independent due to their enormous periods.

RNStreamIfc s1 = JSLRandom.getDefaultRNStream();
System.out.println("Default stream is stream 1");
System.out.println("Generate 3 random numbers");
for (int i = 1; i <= 3; i++) {
    System.out.println("u = " + s1.randU01());
System.out.println("Advance to next sub-stream and get some more random numbers");
for (int i = 1; i <= 3; i++) {
    System.out.println("u = " + s1.randU01());
System.out.println("Notice that they are different from the first 3.");
System.out.println("Reset the stream to the beginning of its sequence");
for (int i = 1; i <= 3; i++) {
    System.out.println("u = " + s1.randU01());
System.out.println("Notice that they are the same as the first 3.");
System.out.println("Get another random number stream");
RNStreamIfc s2 = JSLRandom.nextRNStream();
System.out.println("2nd stream");
for (int i = 1; i <= 3; i++) {
    System.out.println("u = " + s2.randU01());
System.out.println("Notice that they are different from the first 3.");

The resulting output from this code is as follows. Again, the methods of the RNStreamControlIfc interface that permit movement within a stream are extremely useful for controlling the randomness associated with a simulation.

Default stream is stream 1
Generate 3 random numbers
u = 0.12701112204657714
u = 0.3185275653967945
u = 0.3091860155832701
Advance to next sub-stream and get some more random numbers
u = 0.07939898979733463
u = 0.4803395047575741
u = 0.8583222470551328
Notice that they are different from the first 3.
Reset the stream to the beginning of its sequence
u = 0.12701112204657714
u = 0.3185275653967945
u = 0.3091860155832701
Notice that they are the same as the first 3.
Get another random number stream
2nd stream
u = 0.7285097861965271
u = 0.9655872822837334
u = 0.9961841304801171
Notice that they are different from the first 3.

2.2.2 Common Random Numbers

Common random numbers (CRN) is a Monte Carlo method that has different experiments utilize the same random numbers. CRN is a variance reduction technique that allows the experimenter to block out the effect of the random numbers used in the experiment. To facilitate the use of common random numbers the JSL has the aforementioned stream control mechanism. One way to implement common random numbers is to use two instances of RNStreamProvider as was previously illustrated. In that case, the two providers produce the same sequence of streams and thus those streams can be used on the different experiments. An alternative method that does not require the use of two providers is to create a copy of the stream directly from the stream instance. The following code clones the stream instance.

// get the default stream
RNStreamIfc s = JSLRandom.getDefaultRNStream();
// make a clone of the stream
RNStreamIfc clone = s.newInstance();
System.out.printf("%3s %15s %15s %n", "n", "U", "U again");
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
    System.out.printf("%3d %15f %15f %n", i+1, s.randU01(), clone.randU01());

Since the instances have the same underlying state, they produce the same random numbers. Please note that the cloned stream instance is not produced by the underlying RNStreamProvider and thus it is not part of the set of streams managed or controlled by the provider.

  n               U         U again 
  1        0.127011        0.127011 
  2        0.318528        0.318528 
  3        0.309186        0.309186 

An alternative method is to just use the resetStartStream() method of the stream to reset the stream to the desired location in its sequence and then reproduce the random numbers. This is illustrated in the following code.

RNStreamIfc s = JSLRandom.getDefaultRNStream();
// generate regular
System.out.printf("%3s %15s %n", "n", "U");
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
    double u = s.randU01();
    System.out.printf("%3d %15f %n", i+1, u);
// reset the stream and generate again
System.out.printf("%3s %15s %n", "n", "U again");
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
    double u = s.randU01();
    System.out.printf("%3d %15f %n", i+1, u);

Notice that the generated numbers are the same.

  n               U 
  1        0.127011 
  2        0.318528 
  3        0.309186 

  n         U again 
  1        0.127011 
  2        0.318528 
  3        0.309186 

Thus, a experiment can be executed, then the random numbers reset to the desired location. Then, by changing the experimental conditions and re-running the simulation, the same random numbers are used. If many streams are used, then by accessing the RNStreamProvider you can reset all of the controlled streams with one call and then perform the next experiment.

2.2.3 Creating and Using Antithetic Streams

Recall that if a pseudo-random number is called \(U\) then its antithetic value is \(1-U\). There are a number of methods to access antithetic values. The simplest is to create an antithetic instance from a given stream. This is illustrated is in the following code. Please note that the antithetic stream instance is not produced by the underlying RNStreamProvider and thus it is not part of the set of streams managed or controlled by the provider. The new instance process directly creates the new stream based on the current stream so that it has the same underling state and it is set to produce antithetic values.

// get the default stream
RNStreamIfc s = JSLRandom.getDefaultRNStream();
// make its antithetic version
RNStreamIfc as = s.newAntitheticInstance();
System.out.printf("%3s %15s %15s %15s %n", "n", "U", "1-U", "sum");
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
    double u = s.randU01();
    double au = as.randU01();
    System.out.printf("%3d %15f %15f %15f %n", i+1, u, au, (u+au));

Notice that the generated values sum to 1.0.

  n               U             1-U             sum 
  1        0.127011        0.872989        1.000000 
  2        0.318528        0.681472        1.000000 
  3        0.309186        0.690814        1.000000 
  4        0.825847        0.174153        1.000000 
  5        0.221630        0.778370        1.000000 

An alternate method that does not require the creation of another stream involves using the resetStartStream() and setAntitheticOption(boolean flag) methods of the current stream. If you have a stream, you can use the setAntitheticOption(boolean flag) to cause the stream to start producing antithetic values. If you use the resetStartStream() method and then set the antithetic option to true, the stream will be set to its initial starting point and then produce antithetic values.

RNStreamIfc s = JSLRandom.getDefaultRNStream();
// generate regular
System.out.printf("%3s %15s %n", "n", "U");
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
    double u = s.randU01();
    System.out.printf("%3d %15f %n", i+1, u);
// generate antithetic
System.out.printf("%3s %15s %n", "n", "1-U");
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
    double u = s.randU01();
    System.out.printf("%3d %15f %n", i+1, u);

Notice that the second set of random numbers is the complement of the first set in this output. Of course, you can also create multiple instances of RNStreamProvider, and then create streams and set one of the streams to produce antithetic values.

  n               U 
  1        0.127011 
  2        0.318528 
  3        0.309186 
  4        0.825847 
  5        0.221630
  n             1-U 
  1        0.872989 
  2        0.681472 
  3        0.690814 
  4        0.174153 
  5        0.778370