3.1 Continuous and Discrete Random Variables
The names and parameters associated with the continuous random variables are as follows:
- BetaRV(double alpha1, double alpha2)
- ChiSquaredRV(double degressOfFreedom)
- ExponentialRV(double mean)
- GammaRV(double shape, double scale)
- GeneralizedBetaRV(double alpha1, double alpha2, double min, double max)
- JohnsonBRV(double alpha1, double alpha2, double min, double max)
- LaplaceRV(double mean, double scale)
- LogLogisticRV(double shape, double scale)
- LognormalRV(double mean, double variance)
- NormalRV(double mean, double variance)
- PearsonType5RV(double shape, double scale)
- PearsonType6RV(double alpha1, double alpha2, double beta)
- StudentTRV(double dof)
- TriangularRV(double min, double mode, double max)
- UniformRV(double lowerLimit, double upperLimit)
- WeibullRV(double shape, double scale)
The names and parameters associated with the discrete random variables are as follows:
- BernoulliRV(double prob)
- BinomialRV(double prob, int numTrials)
- ConstantRV(double value), a degenerate probability mass on a single value that cannot be changed
- DEmpiricalRV(double[] value, double[] cdf), the value array holds the values that can be returned, while the cdf array holds the cumulative probabilities associated with the values
- DUniformRV(int minimum, int maximum)
- GeometricRV(double prob), range is 0 to infinity
- NegativeBinomialRV(double prob, double numSuccess), range is 0 to infinity. The number of failures befor the \(r^{th}\) success.
- PoissonRV(double mean)
- ShiftedGeometricRV(double prob), range is 1 to infinity
- VConstantRV(double value), a degenerate probability mass on a single value that can be changed