4.3 Batch Statistics

In simulation, we often collect data that is correlated, that is not independent. This causes difficulty in developing valid confidence intervals for the estimators. Grouping the data into batches and computing the average of each batch is one methodology for reducing the dependence within the data. The idea is that the average associated with each batch will tend to be less dependent, especially the larger the batch size. The method of batch means provides a mechanism for developing an estimator for \(Var\lbrack \bar{X} \rbrack\).

The method of batch means is based on observations \((X_{1}, X_{2}, X_{3}, \dots, X_{n})\). The idea is to group the output into batches of size, \(b\), such that the averages of the data within a batch are more nearly independent and possibly normally distributed.

\[\begin{multline*} \underbrace{X_1, X_2, \ldots, X_b}_{batch 1} \cdots \underbrace{X_{b+1}, X_{b+2}, \ldots, X_{2b}}_{batch 2} \cdots \\ \underbrace{X_{(j-1)b+1}, X_{(j-1)b+2}, \ldots, X_{jb}}_{batch j} \cdots \underbrace{X_{(k-1)b+1}, X_{(k-1)b+2}, \ldots, X_{kb}}_{batch k} \end{multline*}\]

Let \(k\) be the number of batches each of size \(b\), where, \(b = \lfloor \frac{n}{k}\rfloor\). Define the \(j^{th}\) batch mean (average) as:

\[ \bar{X}_j(b) = \dfrac{1}{b} \sum_{i=1}^b X_{(j-1)b+i} \] Each of the batch means are treated like observations in the batch means series. For example, if the batch means are re-labeled as \(Y_j = \bar{X}_j(b)\), the batching process simply produces another series of data, (\(Y_1, Y_2, Y_3, \ldots, Y_k\)) which may be more like a random sample. Why should they be more independent? Typically, in auto-correlated processes the lag-k auto-correlations decay rapidly as \(k\) increases. Since, the batch means are formed from batches of size \(b\), provided that \(b\) is large enough the data within a batch is conceptually far from the data in other batches. Thus, larger batch sizes are good for ensuring independence; however, as the batch size increases the number of batches decreases and thus variance of the estimator will increase.

To form a \((1 - \alpha)\)% confidence interval, we simply treat this new series like a random sample and compute approximate confidence intervals using the sample average and sample variance of the batch means series:

\[ \bar{Y}(k) = \dfrac{1}{k} \sum_{j=1}^k Y_j \] The sample variance of the batch process is based on the \(k\) batches: \[ S_b^2 (k) = \dfrac{1}{k - 1} \sum_{j=1}^k (Y_j - \bar{Y}^2) \] Finally, if the batch process can be considered independent and identically distributed the \(1-\alpha\) level confidence interval can be written as follows: \[ \bar{Y}(k) \pm t_{\alpha/2, k-1} \dfrac{S_b (k)}{\sqrt{k}} \] The BatchStatistic class within the statistic package implements a basic batching process. The BatchStatistic class works with data as it is presented to its collect method. Since we do not know in advance how much data we have, the BatchStatistic class has rules about the minimum number of batches and the size of batches that can be formed. Theory indicates that we do not need to have a large number of batches and that it is better to have a relatively small number of batches that are large in size.

Three attributes of the BatchStatistic class that are important are:

  • myMinNumBatches – This represents the minimum number of batches required. The default value for this attribute is determined by BatchStatistic. MIN_NUM_BATCHES, which is set to 20.
  • myMinBatchSize – This represents the minimum size for forming initial batches. The default value for this attribute is determined by BatchStatistic. MIN_NUM_OBS_PER_BATCH, which is set to 16.
  • myMaxNumBatchesMultiple – This represents a multiple of minimum number of batches which is used to determine the upper limit (maximum) number of batches. For example, if myMaxNumBatchesMultiple = 2 and the myMinNumBatches = 20, then the maximum number of batches we can have is 40 (2*20). The default value for this attribute is determined by BatchStatistic. MAX_BATCH_MULTIPLE, which is set to 2.

The BatchStatistic class uses instances of the Statistic class to do its calculations. The bulk of the processing is done in two methods, collect() and collectBatch(). The collect() method simply uses an instance of the Statistic class (myStatistic) to collect statistics. When the amount of data collected (myStatistic.getCount()) equals the current batch size (myCurrentBatchSize) then the collectBatch() method is called to form a batch.

public final boolean collect(double value, double weight) {
// other code
myTotNumObs = myTotNumObs + 1.0;
myValue = value;
myWeight = weight;
myStatistic.collect(myValue, myWeight);
if (myStatistic.getCount() == myCurrentBatchSize) {
   b = collectBatch();

Referring to the collectBatch() method in the following code, the batches that are formed are recorded in an array called bm[]. After recording the batch average, the statistic is reset for collecting the next batch of data. The number of batches is recorded and if this has reached the maximum number of batches (as determined by the batch multiple calculation), we rebatch the batches back down to the minimum number of batches by combining adjacent batches according to the batch multiple.

private boolean collectBatch() {
    boolean b = true;
    // increment the current number of batches
    myNumBatches = myNumBatches + 1;
    // record the average of the batch
    bm[myNumBatches] = myStatistic.getWeightedAverage();
    // collect running statistics on the batches
    b = myBMStatistic.collect(bm[myNumBatches]);
    // reset the within batch statistic for next batch
    // if the number of batches has reached the maximum then rebatch down to
    // min number of batches
    if (myNumBatches == myMaxNumBatches) {
        myCurrentBatchSize = myCurrentBatchSize * myMaxNumBatchesMultiple;
        int j = 0; // within batch counter
        int k = 0; // batch counter
        myBMStatistic.reset(); // clear for collection across new batches
        // loop through all the batches
        for (int i = 1; i <= myNumBatches; i++) {
            myStatistic.collect(bm[i]); // collect across batches old batches
            if (j == myMaxNumBatchesMultiple) { // have enough for a batch
                //collect new batch average
                b = myBMStatistic.collect(myStatistic.getAverage());
                k++; //count the batches
                bm[k] = myStatistic.getAverage(); // save the new batch average
                myStatistic.reset(); // reset for next batch
                j = 0;
        myNumBatches = k; // k should be minNumBatches
        myStatistic.reset(); //reset for use with new data
    return b;

There are a variety of procedures that have been developed that will automatically batch the data as it is collected. The JSL has a batching algorithm based on the procedure implemented within the Arena simulatin language. When a sufficient amount of data has been collected batches are formed. As more data is collected, additional batches are formed until \(k=40\) batches are collected. When 40 batches are formed, the algorithm collapses the number of batches back to 20, by averaging each pair of batches. This has the net effect of doubling the batch size. This process is repeated as more data is collected, thereby ensuring that the number of batches is between 20 and 39. In addition, the procedure also computes the lag-1 correlation so that independence of the batches can be tested.

The BatchStatistic class also provides a public rebatchToNumberOfBatches() method to allow the user to rebatch the batches to a user supplied number of batches. Since the BatchStatistic class implements the StatisticalAccessorIfc interface, it can return the sample average, sample variance, minimum, maximum, etc. of the batches. Within the discrete-event modeling constructs of the JSL, batching can be turned on to collect batch statistics during a replication. The use of these constructs will be discussed when the discrete-event modeling elements of the JSL are presented.

The following code illustrates how to create and use a BatchStatistic.

ExponentialRV d = new ExponentialRV(2);
// number of observations
int n = 1000; 
// minimum number of batches permitted
// there will not be less than this number of batches
int minNumBatches = 40;
// minimum batch size permitted
// the batch size can be no smaller than this amount
int minBatchSize = 25; 
// maximum number of batch multiple
//  The multiple of the minimum number of batches
//  that determines the maximum number of batches
//  e.g. if the min. number of batches is 20
//  and the max number batches multiple is 2,
//  then we can have at most 40 batches
int maxNBMultiple = 2; 
// In this example, since 40*25 = 1000, the batch multiple does not matter
BatchStatistic bm = new BatchStatistic(minNumBatches, minBatchSize, maxNBMultiple);
for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++i) {
double[] bma = bm.getBatchMeanArrayCopy();
int i=0;
for(double x: bma){
    System.out.println("bm(" + i + ") = " + x);
// this rebatches the 40 down to 10
Statistic s = bm.rebatchToNumberOfBatches(10);