5.9 Summary
This chapter described many of the statistical aspects of simulation that you will typically encounter in performing a simulation study. An important aspect of performing a correct simulation analysis is to understand the type of data associated with your performance measures (time-based versus observation-based) and how to collect/analyze such data. Then in your modeling you will be faced with specifying the time horizon of your simulation. Most situations involve finite-horizons, which are fortunately easy to analyze via the method of replications. This allows a random sample to be formed across replications and to analyze the simulation output via traditional statistical techniques.
In the case of infinite horizon simulations, things are more complicated. You must first analyze the effect of any warm up period on the performance measures and decide whether you should use the method of replication-deletion or the method of batch means.
Since you often want to use simulation to make a recommendation concerning a design configuration, an analysis across system configurations must be carefully planned. When performing your analysis, you should consider how and when to use the method of common random numbers and you should consider the impact of common random numbers on how you analyze the simulation results.
The following new KSL constructs were discussed in this chapter:
: A function of model elements that can be overridden to provide logic and actions that occur at the end of a replication. An example illustrated how to use the function to collect statistics.
: A parameter of the Model
class that can be used to indicate whether within replication statistics and across replication statistics are written to a comma separated value files.
: A class that can be used to observe and collect across replication statistical values within arrays for further analysis.
: A class that can be used to capture observation based and time-persistent observations to a file, recording the value of the variable and the time that the variable changed.
: This class is similar to the StatisticReporter
class and can be used to write out statistical summary reports containing KSL model outputs.
: This class can be attached to a KSL model instance to create a database for holding within replication and across replication statistical outputs.
: This class allows access to a database containing within replication and across replication statistical outputs from a KSL model run.
: This class can be attached to a response within a KSL model and permits sequential sampling until a desired half-width criteria is met.
: This class captures data associated with simulation responses for the purpose of creating a Welch plot.
: This class produces data that can be used to make a Welch plot.
: One of the KSL plots and facilitates the analysis of Welch data for the analysis of a warm up period for an infinite horizon simulation.
: A model element that can be used to facilitate the application of the batch means method for infinite horizon simulation analysis.
: A property of the KSL Model
class that can be used to cause the resetting of all random number streams to their starting point prior to a simulation run.
: This class facilitates the analysis and comparison of multiple simulation experiments by computer pairwise statistics and computing MCB confidence intervals. It also facilitates applying screening methods to multiple simulation runs.
: This annotation class allows properties to be annotated as a control for a simulation model. Controls can be used to change model inputs during experiments.
: This class facilitates changing the parameters of the random variables used within a KSL model.
: This class represents a KSL model and its inputs to be run by the ScenarioRunner
: This class will run a set of scenarios and capture the results within a KSL database.
Now that you have a solid understanding of how to program and model using the KSL and how to analyze your results, you are ready to explore the application of the KSL to additional modeling situations involving more complicated systems. The next chapter describes how to use the KSL for process view modeling.