7.4 Summary

This chapter provided a discussion of miscellaneous modeling constructs that can improve your modeling. The modeling of non-stationary arrivals was discussed and it motivated the exploration of advanced resource modeling constructs. The advanced resource modeling constructs allow for resources to be subjected to either scheduled capacity changes. Finally, a few interesting and useful miscellaneous modeling constructs were presented.

The following new KSL constructs were discussed in this chapter:

ResourcePool: A class that represents a set of resources from which a resource can be selected and seized.

ResourcePoolWithQ: A class that represents a set of resource from which a resource can be selected and seized with a specified queue to hold entities that are not immediately allocated a resource.

ResourceSelectionRuleIfc: An interface that defines how a resource can be selected for allocation from a resource pool.

NHPPEventGenerator: A class that models the time between events from a non-homogeneous Poisson process.

NHPPTimeBtwEventRV: A specialized random variable that models the time between events according to a non-homogeneous Poisson process.

CapacitySchedule: A class that specifies that amount of capacity and the duration of availability for a resource.

ResponseInterval: A class that represents an interval of time over which statistical collection should be performed.

ResponseSchedule: A class that permits the specification of many response intervals and allows the repeating of the intervals over time.

With all of these concepts within your simulation toolkit, you are now prepared to model very advanced situations.