Book Support Files

By cloning the repository or downloading the zip archive, you can have a local copy of the entire book. Thus, if you do not have regular access to internet services, you can still read and utilize the materials. I encourage students within a class setting to clone the repository using a program such as Github desktop.

The example models and related files associated with the textbook are also copyrighted under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. You may use the model files and other supporting data and spreadsheet files at your discretion. The files come as-is, with no warranty or other obligations implied. You can find the book support files at the following links.

Due to Apple’s recent security updates, you may receive a message that the Mac OS Version of the Welch Plot Application is “damaged and can’t be opened” or “cannot be opened because the developer cannot be verified.” These updates prevent program files that are downloaded from the internet from installing unless they are verified to be from an Apple developer or their App Store. When such files are downloaded directly on a Mac computer the download process sets the extended attributes of the file.

There are two workarounds to this situation. The first is to download the files on a Windows computer and then copying the file to your Mac for installation. This process avoides the extended attributes from being set by Mac OS during the download process. The second method is to download the file directly to your Mac and to change the extended attributes of the file so that it can be executed. The following outlines the procedure for changing the extended attributes of the file so that it can be executed.

  1. Use your normal method to download the file to the Downloads directory. Make sure to select the option to save the file rather than open it upon download.
  2. There will now be a file called WelchPlotMacVersion.dmg in your Downloads directory. You should double click on it to open the dmg file. Copy the file to your Downloads directory.
  3. Open the Terminal
  4. At the terminal prompt, type in: cd Downloads
  5. At the terminal prompt, type in: xattr -r -d
  6. Move the file to the location from which you want to execute it. The program can be executed from anywhere, including the Downloads folder. If you want, you can copy it to your Applications folder.
  7. Double click on the application file and use it.

A solutions manual is available for formal adopters of the textbook. Naturally, instructors must prove that they have adopted the book for the course. The solutions manual and associated files are copyrighted materials and should not be released to students in any form. Instructors can guess what happens when solutions become readily available to students! Contact me if you need further details.