2.11 Summary

This chapter introduced the Arena Environment. Using this environment, you can build simulation models using a drag and drop construction process. The Arena Environment facilitates the model building process, the model running process, and the output analysis process.

The Arena modules covered included:


Used to create and introduce entities into the model according to a pattern.


Used to dispose of entities once they have completed their activities within the model.


Used to allow an entity to experience an activity with the possible use of a resource.


Used to make assignments to variables and attributes within the model


Used to capture and tabulate statistics within the model.


Used to provide alternative flow paths for an entity based on probabilistic or condition based branching.


Used to define variables to be used within the model.


Used to define a quantity of units of a resource that can be seized and released by entities.


Used to define a waiting line for entities whose flow is currently stopped within the model.


Used to define different entity types for use within the model.

In addition to Arena’s Basic Process panel, the following constructs have been introduced:


From the Advanced Process panel, this module allows input and output to occur within the model.


From the Advanced Process panel, this module defines the characteristics of the operating system file used within a READWRITE module.

Arena has many other facets that have yet to be touched upon. Not only does allow the user to build and analyze simulation models, but it also makes experimentation easier with the Process Analyzer, which will run multiple simulation runs in one batch run, and allow the comparison of these scenarios. In addition, Arena has the Input Analyzer to help fit models for the probability distributions. Finally, through its integration with OptQuest, can assist in finding optimal design configurations via simulation.

The next chapter will dive deeper into the statistical aspects associated with simulation experiments.